Tree Pests

Tree Pests

Trees in the southeastern United States face the risk of infestation by various pests that can adversely affect their health and vitality. Common tree pests in the region include aphids, caterpillars, and beetles, which feed on leaves, causing defoliation and stress to the trees. Additionally, diseases such as oak wilt and pine beetle infestations pose significant threats to the tree population.

Windward Pest Services specializes in addressing tree pests in the Southeast, providing targeted solutions to identify, treat, and prevent infestations. Our skilled team conduct thorough assessments to diagnose specific pest issues and implement effective pest control measures. With a commitment to preserving the beauty and well-being of the region's trees, we offer comprehensive services that remove pests while ensuring the longevity and vitality of the tree in the vicinity of your home.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q What types of tree pests does Windward Pest Services treat?


We treat a variety of tree pests including beetles, aphids, caterpillars, and borers that can harm your trees.

Q How do I know if my trees are infested with pests?


Common signs include holes in leaves, discolored or wilting foliage, sawdust-like material on the ground, and visible insects on the tree.

Q What methods does Windward Pest Services use to control tree pests?


We use a combination of environmentally friendly treatments, including insecticidal sprays, trunk injections, and soil treatments.

Q Can tree pests spread to other plants in my garden?


Yes, many tree pests can spread to other plants, so it's important to address infestations promptly.

Q How often should I have my trees inspected for pests?


Regular inspections, typically once or twice a year, can help detect and prevent pest infestations.

Q Are the treatments safe for my family and pets?


Yes, we use treatments that are safe for your family and pets while effectively targeting the pests.

Q Can tree pests kill my trees?


Severe infestations can weaken or even kill trees if not treated in time, which is why early detection and treatment are crucial.

Q How can I schedule an inspection with Windward Pest Services?


You can schedule an inspection by calling us directly at 770-975-2434, email us at, or by filling out the online form on our website.

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