Attic Pests

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Practical Solutions For Attic Pests 

In the southeastern United States, attics often become vulnerable spaces for a variety of pests seeking shelter and warmth. Common intruders include rodents like mice and rats, which can gnaw on insulation and wiring, posing fire hazards. Squirrels, seeking refuge and nesting spots, may also find their way into attics, causing damage and noise disturbances. Additionally, bats can be a concern, especially with their potential to carry diseases.

Windward Pest Services specializes in identifying and addressing attic pests in the Southeast, implementing effective and humane removal methods. Our team ensures the protection of your property by fortifying against these unwelcome guests, restoring the integrity of your attic space and providing peace of mind for homeowners in the region.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q What types of pests are commonly found in attics?


Common attic pests include rodents (such as mice and rats), bats, squirrels, birds, and insects like wasps, ants, and termites.

Q How can I tell if I have pests in my attic?


Signs of attic pests include unusual noises (scratching, scurrying), droppings, nests, chewed wires or insulation, and unpleasant odors.

Q What are the risks of having pests in my attic?


Pests can cause structural damage, contaminate insulation, spread diseases, and create fire hazards by chewing on electrical wiring.

Q How do you remove pests from the attic?


We use a variety of methods including trapping, exclusion, and safe, effective pest control treatments tailored to the specific type of pest.

Q Is the pest removal process safe for my family and pets?


Yes, we use safe and environmentally friendly methods to ensure the health and safety of your family and pets during the pest removal process.

Q How can I prevent pests from entering my attic?


Prevention tips include sealing entry points, keeping the attic clean and dry, and trimming tree branches away from the roofline. We also offer exclusion services to help prevent future infestations.

Q Do you offer inspections to check for attic pests?


Yes, we offer comprehensive attic inspections to identify any signs of pests and assess potential entry points or damage.

Q How much does an attic pest inspection and removal cost?


Costs vary depending on the extent of the infestation and the type of pests. Please contact us for a customized quote, we promise to respond promptly!

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